Document ID



Richard Holloway

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Dear SAS Members,


Please refer to the following link for 2013/2014’s 4th issue of  SAS Monthly.



Here are some of the highlights in this issue:


-          Actuarial Science Networking Night 2013

More than 120 students and 30 working professionals attended this successful event which was jointly organized by the Nanyang Business School’s Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science Club and the SAS Student Committee.  This event provided the opportunity for industry veterans Ms Jill Hoffman and Mr Raymond Cheung to share their unique perspectives on the career prospects of actuarial students.  It also allowed students to meet with industry experts and aspiring peers to share their experiences.


-          Committee Reports

In this issue, the SAS received reports from the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Life and General Insurance (GI) committees:


o   The ERM committee talks about the upcoming plenary sessions on the morning of 17th October, where the 3 working parties – Diversification Benefits, Operational Risk and ORSA – will be presenting some of their research.

o   The Life committee provides a summary on the recent IFRS4 seminar that was held on the 23rd of August at Hilton Singapore.

o   The GI committee gives us a brief update on the discussions between SAS and MAS regarding the professional standards and quality of actuarial valuation reports.


We hope that you would enjoy this issue, and don’t forget to exercise your brain power at the Brainteasers section!


Any feedback is welcomed!


Thank you.


Richard Holloway

Vice President 2013/2014

Singapore Actuarial Society


SAS Monthly 2013/2014 : Issue 04