Document ID



Richard Holloway

Publish date



Dear SAS Members,


Please refer to the following link for 2013/2014’s 7th issue of SAS Monthly. 


Here are some of the highlights in this issue:


-          New SAS President

Jill will be stepping down after 4 years as SAS’s President.  We would like to thank Jill for her contribution in transforming the SAS into a much larger organization and for encouraging more members to come forth and volunteer with the SAS.


-          Committee Reports

In this issue, the SAS received report from the General Insurance (GI) committee:

o   The GI committee gives us updates on the GI Internship program with SMU and the potential topics at the upcoming GI seminar.


We hope that you would enjoy this issue, and don’t forget to exercise your brain power at the Brainteasers section!


Please also note that this issue was prepared before the AGM/EGM.


Thank you.

Richard Holloway

Singapore Actuarial Society