
Singapore Actuarial Society

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All Members 

Singapore Actuarial Society 





The review of the MediShield Scheme (to be re-named "MediShield Life"), which will be extended to provide universal health insurance coverage to all Singapore citizens and residents for their lifetimes, is a major initiative in enabling these citizens and residents to achieve reasonable healthcare financial security. 


The actuarial community can play an important role by providing valuable input to the review process, drawing on the specialised training and education of all its members, and on the experience of a large number of its members in health insurance. 


Please follow the link to view the Preliminary Comments of the SAS on the review, based on the proposals announced by various government representatives, and on subsequent suggestions made by interested observers, in the press and other media, to the end of 2013. Views submitted by members on the draft Comments have been incorporated, as appropriate. 


These Preliminary Comments will be delivered to the MediShield Life Review Panel and to the Ministry of Health for their consideration. 


The SAS has set up a Response Working Party to work with the Ministry on matters on which members can contribute expertise and advice drawn from their collective experience. I am pleased to note that 24 SAS members volunteered to serve on this Working Party (unfortunately, we had to turn down a few more who missed the deadline). The RWP will be headed by Chi Cheng Hock, Chair of the Health Insurance Committee. 


Document link: 


Choo Oi San                          Chi Cheng Hock

Council Member                   Chair for the MediShield Life WP