Date & Time



Virtual (Zoom)

Maximum Qualifying Hours


Dear Members,

The Singapore Actuarial Society (SAS) will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 26 May 2023 (Friday) to elect the President.

Date/Time: 26 May 2023 (Friday), 5.00pm.
Venue: Virtual (Zoom)



At least 25% of the total Voting Membership or 30 Voting Members of the Society (whichever is the lesser) will be required to constitute a quorum for a General Meeting.

Presence counted for quorum and voting can be virtual or by proxy.

If a proxy is appointed, the instrument appointing the proxy must be deposited with the Honorary Secretary before 26 May 2023, 10am.



Members attending virtually may either:

  • Cast their proxy votes below (members are encouraged to cast their votes in this manner) OR
  • Cast their votes live at the EGM (members should ensure ability to log into their profiles on the website prior to the meeting for a smoother voting process)

Members who are unable to attend, may submit their proxy vote below. Proxies must be submitted by 26 May 2023, 10am.



5.00pm | Extraordinary General Meeting Starts
5.30pm | End





  • We are accepting Presidential nominees up to the day of the EGM, 26 May 10am.
  • In order to vote on the day, ensure that you are able to login to the SAS website with your credentials. For technical assistance, contact
  • Members attending virtually will be required to use their own mobile device if they wish to vote.


REGISTRATION CLOSES on 26 May 2023, 10am.

Registration Form

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