The SAS International Committee represents and promotes the Singapore actuarial profession and the Singapore Actuarial Society at an international level. The Committee actively connects with global actuarial associations, insurance associations and bodies, regulatory bodies as well as universities in the region.
What We Do
International Committee's objectives and responsibilities:
- Promote the role, reputation, research / innovation, and recognition in the international domain of the Singapore actuarial profession; and
- Support application of beneficial international professional standards in Singapore, with active involvement of other SAS Committees or working groups; and
- Liaise with overseas actuarial associations and international bodies to enhance cooperation, coordinate events, and help build a future-ready actuarial workforce, particularly for developing markets.
Who We Are
Committee Members
- CHAN Tze Leong, Chair, SAS Council Member
- KOH Jit Wei, Deputy Chair
- Joanne TAN, Secretary
- ONG Wei Chang
- LI Xue
- MENG Meng
- Martin DAO
What We Are Working On
The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is the the worldwide organization of actuarial associations and exists to encourage the development of a global profession. Its mission is to:
- Inform and influence global stakeholders
- Assure the reputation of the profession
- Advance the competency of the profession
The SAS is a Full Member of the IAA and has active representatives to contribute to various IAA committees. Notably, the SAS currently has representatives in the IAA Council, Executive Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee, on top of several sections and task forces. More details about the IAA can be found here.
The Asian Actuaries Association (AsAA) is an association to develop international collaboration in the actuarial field within the Asian region. To achieve this, the AsAA organises the Asian Actuarial Conference (AAC) at least once every two years. The SAS is an active contributor to the AsAA, having organised the AAC in 2019 with the theme "Crazy Responsive Actuaries – Taking Action to Secure the Future" and is looking to host the event again in 2026.
The Singapore Actuarial Conference (SAC) is an annual conference organised by the SAS featuring world renowned speakers and combining different actuarial practice areas across Life Insurance, General Insurance, Data Analytics, ERM, and Retirement. To provide a global perspective, the SAC has a dedicated International Day featuring speakers and topics with an international focus. The International Day has been well-received by attendees and attracted participants around the region. To find out more about the SAC and the International Day, please visit here.
The International Committee also has bilateral collaborations with foreign actuarial associations and insurance associations to organize and deliver overseas actuarial seminars. Our seminars have been well-attended by regulators, local insurance practitioners from (re)insurance companies, agents, brokers, as well as university professors and students interested in the actuarial profession. The contents range from technical actuarial topics to topical issues such as IFRS 17, digitalisation and innovation in insurance.
The International Committee continues to expand our reach to more countries. To this end, we welcome any enquiries for collaboration opportunities in your countries. If you are interested to find out more, feel free to contact us at We look forward to partnering with you and taking these important initiatives to the next level!