Presentations from past and current events

Title Author Company Publish date Sort ascending
Monitoring of Loss Emergence Christian Braun Munich Re
2013 General Insurance Conference (5th) General Insurance Committee Singapore Actuarial Society
Linked-products Market Trend Chng Tze Ping Ernst & Young
Capital Management Abhishek Kumar EY
Machine Learning Xavier Conort Institute for Infocomm Research
Jumping the Talent Curve Julien Parasie & Bob Aubrey Mazars
Aggregation of Risks and Dependencies Michel Dacorogna SCOR Group
Use of Derivatives Mark Hoogendijk E8 Consulting Asia
SAS workshop General Insurance Committee Singapore Actuarial Society
ERM Consultation Paper Raymond Cheung Singapore Actuarial Society
Stress Testing by MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore Singapore Actuarial Society
2012 Life Insurance Conference Life Insurance Committee Singapore Actuarial Society